Acupuncture, as effective as antidepressants
Acupuncture treatment has been scientifically proven to be very effective in treating depression, which causes so much suffering. And it lacks the side effects of the drugs that are usually prescribed.
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published an interesting study showing that acupuncture is useful in a particularly difficult aspect of treating depression: the sexual side effects of some medications. After 12 weeks of treatment with needles in men and women, an improvement in sexual functioning was verified and other disorders, linked to side effects of drugs, such as chronic pain, anxiety and nausea, disappeared.
How does acupuncture work in the treatment of depression?
It is true that acupuncture can help in the treatment of depression, since we are talking about an emotional imbalance that may or may not have a specific cause, but in any case, it is a mismatch. If acupuncture restores the flow of vital energy, to the point of restoring the body’s balance, it is logical that we are dealing with a very effective treatment to overcome depression. Generally, for the treatment of depression, acupuncture affects the energy points of the hands and forearm and is also a good method for reducing some of the symptoms of depression such as anxiety or insomnia. However, it is important to note that it will take about five sessions to start seeing results and feel better.
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