When Qi, life force energy, is blocked or damaged from injury, illness or emotional imbalance pain arises. By creating homeostasis the body begins to heal itself.
When Qi, life force energy, is blocked or damaged from injury, illness or emotional imbalance pain arises. By creating homeostasis the body begins to heal itself.
Addressing the body, mind and spirit is key to your overall well-being. My goal is not just to relieve symptoms but to help you thrive!
It’s just as important to stay well as it is to get well. I take a holistic approach to your overall wellness.
What goals have you yet to achieve? What is blocking you from achieving your destiny?
When Qi, life force energy, is blocked or damaged from injury, illness or emotional imbalance pain arises. By creating homeostasis the body begins to heal itself.
Addressing the body, mind and spirit is key to your overall well-being. My goal is not just to relieve symptoms but to help you thrive!
It’s just as important to stay well as it is to get well. I take a holistic approach to your overall wellness.
What goals have you yet to achieve? What is blocking you from achieving your destiny?
Acupuncture is an energetic medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. Despite its beginnings before written history as we know it, acupuncture has withstood the test of time due to its incredible healing properties. Today science has proven its effectiveness for many conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) acupuncture treats: follow link
Flower Essences are natural remedies that are used for emotional well-being, soul development, and body-mind health. Each flower contains its own therapeutic effect, acting as a catalyst for change on a deep emotional level. When we find the correct remedy it brings us back into balance, almost like magic!
The birth chart is a road map for the soul. It gives key insights into karmic challenges as well as revealing gifts that we came into the world with to either resolve or develop as the case may be. With some practical application it becomes a dynamic way of looking at our lives with greater understanding as well as greater compassion for our human condition. Over time we can even uncover clues for achieving the destiny that’s written in the stars!