What is the purpose of acupuncture as a preventive therapy?
We all know by now that the best approach to our wellbeing is a proactive one. That’s why it’s so important to have a self-care regimen that’s primary focus is preventing illness and protecting your health. It’s no longer good enough to only seek treatment when there’s an injury or illness. Invest in your wellbeing today with an acupuncture appointment and energetic tune-up.
It’s my goal to partner with you to develop a customized plan that’s sure to keep you at your best, and address any underlying deficiencies that could affect your long-term health.
“Seasonal changes weaken our health. Colds and allergies are the ailments that appear when our defenses are lowered. Michael Wiltse, a professional acupuncturist from New York City, proposes a preventive acupuncture therapy, an oriental method with proven scientific evidence”.
Chinese medicine is based on the prevention of disease through a healthy lifestyle in accordance with nature, as Professor Liu Zheng explains in his book “Traditional Chinese Medicine. Living without getting sick” (Oberon Publishing House). “The best doctor is not the one who has the most patients, but the one who is able to teach how to live according to the conditions of nature and those of the person himself”, says the doctor born in Beijing where he graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Taking into account these sections, the clinical center of oriental medicine under the professional Michael Wiltse, works with the purpose of providing its patients with a quality service, whose results will be reflected in the health of those who acquire its services.
Is acupuncture alternative medicine?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is believed that illness of the body occurs as a result of an energy of the Qi vacuum in the meridians, allowing harmful energy (external factors such as excessive cold, heat, wind, dryness and humidity) to penetrate, blocking Qi movement, causing pain, contractures and injuries to the body. Acupuncture restores the flow of energy through the meridians, rebalancing the body, which reduces pain allowing for a faster and more effective recovery from injuries and contractures.
Is acupuncture real medicine?
There is a growing body of evidence showing the response of the central nervous system (CNS) to acupuncture and several imaging studies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetoencephalography are still under study and will allow investigation of the central physiological functions involved in the delivery of acupuncture.
A study using functional magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate alterations in brain function showed that in people with FM, sustained activation occurs over the basal ganglia-anterior-island complex and the cingulate cortex to tactile stimuli when compared to healthy subjects.
Different acupuncture points can be stimulated at similar or different frequencies and intensities depending on the patient’s condition. But it should be clarified that different versions of acupuncture techniques have been developed, some of which do not follow the principles of MCT for the selection of the acupuncture point. The difference between sham and true acupuncture is not yet clear, sham acupuncture can cause effects similar to the stimulation of true acupuncture points. Acupuncture is not only performed at the affected or symptomatic site, but is also used on points distant from the affected area to improve response and decrease pain.
Is acupuncture holistic medicine?
Acupuncture is a type of holistic medicine because the objective that it has beyond healing, is to heal the soul, mind and spirit. This kind of medicine is in charge of restoring the balance thanks to the application of traditional and complementary therapies that are combined in such a way that they lead the patient to a good state of health. Their healing is done in a natural way, they achieve a harmony that frees the individual from all suffering.
Is acupuncture naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is classified as an alternative healing method. However, licensed naturopathic doctors share some of the knowledge of conventional doctors and can usually prescribe medications. Naturopathy is a holistic therapy that manages a wide range of problems, including allergies, chronic pain, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory problems, heart failure, fertility problems, menopause, fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia, and many more. Naturopathy aims to strengthen and empower the body and its organs to heal itself through small interventions. Here are some examples of the type of medical services generally offered by naturopathic doctors:
- Clinical and laboratory tests and diagnostics.
- Nutritional medicine.
- Botanical medicine.
- Naturopathic kinesiology.
- Hygiene.
- Counseling.
- Minor surgeries.
- Homeopathy.
- Acupuncture.
- Intravenous therapy
- Naturopathic obstetrics
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